And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken Mark 13:25 (KJV) .

For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens 2 Cor 5:1 (KJV) .

Sunday, 21 October 2012
Does the Bible Really Say All That About Romance?
The HolyBible speaks not only of
ardent love between men and women, but it presents God Himself as a
lover and his courting of creation as the Great Romance.
The symbol seems a strange one, considering the
Christian reluctance to embrace romantic love. Yet it is distinct
throughout Scripture. God desires Israel for his bride: "For, as a young
man weds a maiden, so you shall wed Him who rebuilds you" (Isa. 62:5;
all quotations from the NEB). He fondly recalls the days of harmony,
"the love of your bridal days, when you followed me in the wilderness" (Jer. 2:2).
Yet Israel is unfaithful—God is the unrequited lover. "Will a girl
forget her finery or a bride her ribbons? Yet my people have forgotten
me over and over again. How well you pick your way in search of lovers!"
(Jer. 2:32).
God is a passionate lover, and passion can fuel anger. Like the country
singer who wonders, "if I saw you, would I kiss you or want to kill you
on sight?" God storms at his lover for her prostitution.
After all, He rescued her as a newborn baby lying in her
own blood, raised her to full womanhood, gave her fine clothes and
jewelry, provided for her the best of foods, and presented her with sons
and daughters (Ezek. 16:114). In return, she imperviously fornicates. "How you anger me!" shouts God (Ezek. 16:30).
He threatens to turn her over to her many lovers, to strip her naked
before them. The lovers will rob her jewelry, stone her, and hack her to
pieces (Ezek. 16:39-40).
Which is it, then, kiss or kill?
Wait, for God is the perfect lover. He vents his anger,
then whispers: "But now listen, I will woo her, I will go with her into
the wilderness and comfort her" (Hos. 2:14).
He follows her through fires, floods, dark woods, wherever she goes,
then pleads "How shall I deal with you? Your loyalty to me is like the
morning mist, like dew that vanishes early." Don't you see, he adds,
"loyalty is my desire, not sacrifice" (Hos. 6:4-5).
Love will heal: it will reveal the eternal identity and make all things
new. Come, God says, and Israel may be "fair as the olive" and
"flourish like a vine" (Hos. 14:6-7).
Then the persistent lover takes another tack. He is not
out to woo only one tribe, one people, but all, and all of creation.
This wild lover will stop at nothing. He condescends and assumes the
nature of a slave. He walks among us and heals and proclaims peace and
routes demons (and takes up a whip to show some of that old anger too).
He demonstrates his power over death by raising the dead, He tells story
after story to win our trust. He looks on us adoringly, and yearns,
"How often have I longed to gather you children, as a hen gathers her
brood under her wings: but you would not let me" (Luke 13:34).
And still we will not let him. He is embarrassing us. He
keeps company with prostitutes, for one thing. Sometimes He acts too
happy, and he eats and drinks more than a holy man should. Worst of all, He makes outlandish claims that He is the same God who has been chasing
us all along. Finally, cruelly, we turn our backs on him once more, and
nail his back to a cross.
But he is God, and mad in love enough to bear it, to
take all our anger and guilt. Three days later, He is backand this
shocks us into trying to love him better. Our infidelity is long and
habitual, though, and we still slip often. There are yet many other gods
winking at us, seducing us. Our resolve to be unfaithful is weakened,
just the same.
We have been betrothed to our "true and only husband" (2 Cor. 11:2).
We have seen that love really is stronger than death, stronger than
life or angels or principalities or powers or anything else. In the end,
there is no fighting it. We already hear fiddles scratching away at a
distant feast, and we wonder more and more why we ran so hard from this
lover. "Happy are those who are invited to the wedding-supper of the
Lamb!" (Rev. 19:9). Written by Rodney Clapp
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Egyptian Blogger on Trial for Desecrating Bible.
Radical Muslim blogger Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Abdallah, also known as Abu Islam, has spoken out on his recent charges for "contempt for religion" after he ripped the pages of a New Testament Bible in mid-September in Cairo, Egypt.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Virgins Wanted: Brazilian Woman Selling Virginity May Face Spiritual Consequences, Says Pastor
Brazilian Catarina Migliorini, who is just 20-years-old,
became a viral sensation in recent weeks after she decided to auction
off her virginity to the highest bidder. The move has sparked a wave of
criticism and debate about sexual morality and prostitution issues, with
Christian leaders
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Meet Kanon Tipton, a 4 year old preacher from Mississippi.
Ten things Pastors dont like about pastoring.
The expectations of a pastor are endless. Many members expect them to
be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. But different pastors are
wired differently. One pastor may get great fulfillment out of
counseling, while another dreads every minute of it.
So I did an informal and unscientific survey of pastors. I asked them a simple question: “What do you like least about being a pastor?” The question was opened-ended and they could give more than one response.
I learned two things from this survey. First, pastors can have strong opinions about what they don’t like. Second, pastors are really different. The responses were wide-ranged and often in opposition to each other.
So here are the top ten things pastors don’t like about pastoring. I’ve listed them in reverse order. I then follow each dislike with a comment from a representative pastor.
10. Dealing with budgets and finance. “I have a pastor friend who has a finance major. He was in business before he went to seminary and he loves working with numbers. Not me. I get nauseas at the thought of working on the church budget.”
9. Weddings. “Emotions are usually high at weddings. Some people are difficult to handle. Plus the rehearsal, ceremony, and reception take away my whole weekend. I wish we could pass a law that no weddings can take place during college football season.”
8. Announcements in the worship service. “This past Sunday I was asked to announce that one of the older Sunday school classes was having a garage sale to raise money to repair the pipe organ. Their hearts were right, but I had to talk about a garage sale and a pipe organ right before I preached.”
7. Persistent critics. “You have to deal with critics if you are a pastor. I just struggle with those who are always on me about something. They never let up. It can be demoralizing.”
6. Anonymous critics. “I shouldn’t even let anonymous critics bother me. If they don’t have the courage to use their name, I have no reason to dwell on it. But, I’ve got to admit, it really bugs me. I find myself wondering throughout the day who it might be.”
5. Counseling. “I really envy those pastors who are counselors. They get energized by listening to people at their points of need and hurt. I have to admit that my mind wanders and I watch the clock. I don’t think I really help anybody when I counsel.”
4. Treating spouses like they are paid staff members. “I really hurt for my wife because we have one church member that expects her to put in the same amount of hours at church as I do. My wife is taking care of our three preschool children at home, but she feels guilty every time the church member talks to her.”
3. Supporters who don’t support pastors publicly. “One guy was ripping into me at our last business meeting. But he didn’t bother me as much as my so-called supporters who remained silent the whole time. They’ve told me that they are behind me, but they weren’t there for me when I needed them the most.”
2. Funerals of non-Christians. “I’ve been a pastor for nearly thirty years, and I still struggle when I’m asked to do the funeral of someone who never professed Christ. Most of the time my funeral message is directed at the family, and how God will comfort them. It’s still not easy.”
1. Business meetings. “Let me know if you come across a pastor that actually likes church business meetings. I want to find the secret to his moments of delusion.”
What do you think of this list? What would you add?
by Thom Rainer
So I did an informal and unscientific survey of pastors. I asked them a simple question: “What do you like least about being a pastor?” The question was opened-ended and they could give more than one response.
I learned two things from this survey. First, pastors can have strong opinions about what they don’t like. Second, pastors are really different. The responses were wide-ranged and often in opposition to each other.
So here are the top ten things pastors don’t like about pastoring. I’ve listed them in reverse order. I then follow each dislike with a comment from a representative pastor.
10. Dealing with budgets and finance. “I have a pastor friend who has a finance major. He was in business before he went to seminary and he loves working with numbers. Not me. I get nauseas at the thought of working on the church budget.”
9. Weddings. “Emotions are usually high at weddings. Some people are difficult to handle. Plus the rehearsal, ceremony, and reception take away my whole weekend. I wish we could pass a law that no weddings can take place during college football season.”
8. Announcements in the worship service. “This past Sunday I was asked to announce that one of the older Sunday school classes was having a garage sale to raise money to repair the pipe organ. Their hearts were right, but I had to talk about a garage sale and a pipe organ right before I preached.”
7. Persistent critics. “You have to deal with critics if you are a pastor. I just struggle with those who are always on me about something. They never let up. It can be demoralizing.”
6. Anonymous critics. “I shouldn’t even let anonymous critics bother me. If they don’t have the courage to use their name, I have no reason to dwell on it. But, I’ve got to admit, it really bugs me. I find myself wondering throughout the day who it might be.”
5. Counseling. “I really envy those pastors who are counselors. They get energized by listening to people at their points of need and hurt. I have to admit that my mind wanders and I watch the clock. I don’t think I really help anybody when I counsel.”
4. Treating spouses like they are paid staff members. “I really hurt for my wife because we have one church member that expects her to put in the same amount of hours at church as I do. My wife is taking care of our three preschool children at home, but she feels guilty every time the church member talks to her.”
3. Supporters who don’t support pastors publicly. “One guy was ripping into me at our last business meeting. But he didn’t bother me as much as my so-called supporters who remained silent the whole time. They’ve told me that they are behind me, but they weren’t there for me when I needed them the most.”
2. Funerals of non-Christians. “I’ve been a pastor for nearly thirty years, and I still struggle when I’m asked to do the funeral of someone who never professed Christ. Most of the time my funeral message is directed at the family, and how God will comfort them. It’s still not easy.”
1. Business meetings. “Let me know if you come across a pastor that actually likes church business meetings. I want to find the secret to his moments of delusion.”
What do you think of this list? What would you add?
by Thom Rainer
'Pakistan Christian Girl Innocent of Blasphemy'
Pakistani police say they have found no evidence that a mentally challenged Christian girl burned pages with verses of the Koran, deemed a holy book by Muslims, in a case that sparked international upheaval, Worthy News learned.
An interim police report seen by Worthy News suggested that Rimsha Masih, 14, is innocent of the charges of "blasphemy" against Islam.
The report came after earlier this month an Islamabad court ordered her release on bail of one million Pakistani rupees ($10,600).
Tables already turned when an imam who accused the girl of burning pages of Noorani Qaida, a religious textbook used to teach the Koran to children, was himself detained on charges of blasphemy, which can carry the death sentence.
Imam Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Chisht allegedly stashed the Koranic papers in the girls bag to ensure her conviction and push out Christians from the area. Witnesses have already testified in the court against the cleric.
Pakistan had come under international pressure to release the girl.
Worthy News obtained a copy of a medical report, saying she is mentally impaired, suggesting she would not have been able to burn or even read the Koran.
The police report, which was handed over by investigative officer Munir Jaffari to judge Ghulam Abbas Shah on Saturday, September 22, claims two witnesses have confirmed "that it was not Rimsha who went to throw the garbage" but her six-year-old sister Savera.
The torched pages found in the bag were sent for forensic examination in Lahore with a final forensic report expected within weeks, investigators said.
However her accuser has rejected the police report saying the government changed the course of the case to prove Rimsha is innocent.
Rimsha was detained August 16 under Pakistans blasphemy legislation.
The case gained international attention, in part because of the girls age and questions about her mental capacity.
Amid international pressure she was eventually released from a prison for adults and airlifted from Adiyala jail to an unspecified location within Islamabad.
Christians have warned however that Rimsha and her family will be forced to live in hiding, fearing for their lives.
In Pakistan even being accused of blasphemy is equivalent to being sentenced, according to rights activists and local Christians.culled from worthy news
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Egypt Frees Christian Boys Accused of Blasphemy

Egyptian authorities on released two Coptic Christian children who were accused of "insulting Islam" by allegedly urinating on a paper with verses of the Koran, prosecutors and other officials said.
Nabil Naji Rizq, 10, and Mina Nadi Faraj, nine, from Beni Sewif province in southern Egypt were held at a juvenile facility.
Prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmud reportedly took the decision because the accused, aged nine and 10, are minors.
The boys were reportedly detained in their home village of Ezbet Marco on September 30 following complaints from a local imam, identified as Ibrahim Mohamed Ali.
Local Christians said the situation remained tense in the village, with members of Gamaa Islamiya, a militant group, going to mosques urging Muslims "to rise up" against the court order to release the boys.
"I don't know why they are inciting people now. Right now, villagers from outside our place are gathering," The Associated Press news agency quoted a priest as saying. "God help us," he added, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.
Christian rights activists view the case as part of growing hostilities towards Egypts minority Christians, known as Copts, who comprise up to 10 percent of the over
180 million population.
At least 17 people, mainly Christians, have been detained in the country on similar charges in recent weeks following "rising sensitivities" over the release of a
U.S.-produced anti-Islam film, said advocacy group International Christian Concern (ICC).
Among those detained is a Christian teacher in the southern province of Assiut who received six years in prison for posting anti-Islam material on his page of the Facebook website.
Rights activists said a female Coptic teacher in another southern town was summoned for interrogation last week and detained for a night after her students claimed she spoke "offensively about the Prophet Muhammad" in class.
The teacher was released from detention, but prosecutors are still investigating her, according to rights investigators.
A Coptic Christian activist, Alber Saber, faces trial for posting material on his Facebook page deemed offensive to religion.
He was first detained after neighbors complained he had posted the anti-Islam film, but investigators didn't find it.
Yet, he was put on trial on charges of "contempt of religion". His trial reportedly began last week.
Egypt's new President Mohamed Morsi has pledged to protect the Coptic community, but critics claim violence and detentions suggest otherwise. culled from worthy news
MARRIAGE:Love commandos rescue forbidden couples
It feels so bad to hear that some parents still forcefully choose or decide for their children when it comes to the issue of marriage . Please parents out there that are still having this mentality or idea of choosing patners for their children should kindly stop.Such act is not even biblical , Rebekah wasn't forced to marry Isaac , she married him willingly(Genesis 24:57-58). Read the couples story after the cut..
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Words of wisdom for celebrities: Don’t be a RICH FOOL.
This message is not meant for the celebrities alone, but it
is also meant for others that do not use their wealth to serve God. The reason
why I am focusing on celebrities is because of the way most of them spend
millions and billions on houses, cars, mansions and estates, and can’t give
account of spending a penny for God. God calls such people fools and such
people don’t live long (Luke 12:16-21).
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Christian Students Executed by Boko Haram in Nigeria; Believers Pray for 'Change of Heart
Multiple sources have confirmed that about 25 to 30 Christian college students were massacred at a university in northeastern Nigeria late Monday night, causing Christians to pray for a "change of heart" among the extremist Islamist group Boko Haram to put a stop to the continued violence.
While there is speculation as to the motive of the massacre, sources close to the human rights watchdog Open Doors USA confirm that the massacre was performed by Boko Haram.Emily Fuentes, the communications and public relations coordinator for Open Doors who recently visited Nigeria and spoke to Christian leaders about Boko Haram, told The Christian Post that believers around the world can agree that prayer is the "only thing that will change the people of Boko Haram."
"There are people who are turning to Christ who used to be in the Boko Haram, and God is changing their hearts," Fuentes told CP.
"A lot of Christians believe that God will change these peoples' hearts," she added.
The killings reportedly occurred in the late night hours on Oct. 1, when masked gunmen went door-to-door in the off-campus housing section of Federal Polytechnic College in Mubi, a city in the remote Adamawa State in northeastern Nigeria.
Open Doors USA sources confirmed that the gunmen separated the Christian students from the Muslim students, addressed each victim by name, questioned them, and then proceeded to shoot them or slit their throat.
"Open Doors is calling on Christians in the West to bear this horrific burden with our brothers and sisters in Mubi and Adamawa state," Open Doors USA spokesman Jerry Dykstra said in a press release emailed to The Christian Post.
"Nigeria is becoming a killing field," he added.
Fuentes told CP that according to a local Nigerian police chief, Monday night's killing were performed by Boko Haram as an act of reprisal after 156 Boko Haram members were arrested in Mubi in late September.
Fuentes told CP over the phone interview that the goal of the terror group, which has reportedly overtaken 13 of Nigeria's northern states, is to make the country a completely Islamic nation and rid it of all western influence.
"In these [Nigerian] states to be a Christian is of grave danger," Fuentes said, adding that killing Christians is "Boko Haram's way of wiping out western influence."
Fuentes confirmed that in Mobi, where Monday's massacre took place, there has been some form of violent attack on Christians nearly every day since Nov. 2011.
Fuentes shared the testimonials involving a change of heart by two Boko Haram members. In one testimonial, a former Boko Haram member found the Gospel of Jesus Christ and converted. He now serves as a witness to other Boko Haram members, and although he receives threats to his life daily, he has managed to stay alive.
Other Boko Haram members, according to Fuentes, have not converted to Christianity but have seen the "goodness of the Christian religion" and now warn Christians before there is an attack.
In light of Monday's attack, Open Doors USA requested that all Christians pray for the families of the deceased students, who have been "thrown into mourning" and are reportedly in "indescribably pain right now."
"Please pray for the parents, families and friends of the innocent victim of this slaughter. Pray that they will receive the comfort only our Lord can give. Pray that justice will prevail. Pray that Christians will not retaliate," Open Doors said.
Boko Haram has yet to openly claim responsibility for Monday night's massacre. Culled from christian post
Marriage: SEX rules for Christians
Christian Sex Rules
A guide to what's allowed in the bedroom
When it comes to sex, most married Christians just do what works for them. If they have been blessed enough to have discovered something that brings satisfaction, pleasure, closeness, and climax, they most likely will continue that practice. However, some are plagued with guilt because they wonder if what they're doing is sinful.
Marriage Partnership receives many, many
questions from Christian couples who want to know what is and what is
not okay to do sexually. Unfortunately, churches tend to ignore this
issue, small groups usually don't talk about sex, and most Christian
books deal with more "spiritual" ideas.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of sexual practices
categorized by "sinful" or "okay"? Is there such a list? Would everyone
agree with the list? Is there a solution to this dilemma?
We think the answers to those questions are: yes, no,
no, and probably not—in that order. We'd really like to create such a
list that could settle once and forever the niggling doubts about sexual
practices. But that's not possible. Different communities of Christians
have different understandings about sexual practices that are based on a
few general biblical principles. No list would be accepted by all
Christians. Still, we do want to provide some guidelines that we hope
will help you enjoy the gift of your sexuality to the fullest. That's
what we're convinced God wants for each of his children.
We doubt that God's surprised by the intensity of our
sexual desire or of its fulfillment. Seeing us enjoy the passion and
pleasure seems to fit with his creative nature. There are some definite
boundaries, however, that were identified through his Word. These are
established to protect and enhance the maximum enjoyment of the gift. We
think it's like our giving our kids bicycles. We'd teach them the
safety rules right away so they could delight in the ride without being
run over by a car on a busy street.
First, we'd like to point out the obvious—the Bible is
not a manual on sexual technique. We've heard some people say that Song
of Solomon describes acceptable sexual positions and behavior. We see it
as a poetic love song that clearly embraces the joy of sexual play. We
don't think it is an attempt to outline any specific sexual practices.
Second, we want to emphasize again that there are some
specific sexual behaviors that are forbidden in scriptures. Adultery,
that is having sexual intercourse with another person's spouse or a
partner other than your own spouse, is a sin. Jesus, in the Sermon on
the Mount, deepens the importance of marital faithfulness by extending
the prohibition of infidelity to include a lustful thought life as well
as the physical act of intercourse. Looking into our minds and hearts is
an important principle for safeguarding the delights of intimacy. Go to page 2
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
You ladies that won't stop FORNICATING hear the word of God.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. 23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Rev 2:21-23 (KJV) . Fornication can be defined as sexual intercourse between people not married to each other. The reason why you are still alive today, is because HE is giving you the opportunity to repent and amend your ways before it is too late. STOP having PREMARITAL SEX with your boyfriend,girlfriend, man friend or sugar daddy . If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.Mark 4:23 (KJV),you can't tell this might be your
LAST WARNING message. Guys are not exempted.
Written by Adebayo Tosin
Have you been blessed through this message, and would like to support or contribute to this ministry to
Rev 2:21-23 (KJV) . Fornication can be defined as sexual intercourse between people not married to each other. The reason why you are still alive today, is because HE is giving you the opportunity to repent and amend your ways before it is too late. STOP having PREMARITAL SEX with your boyfriend,girlfriend, man friend or sugar daddy . If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.Mark 4:23 (KJV),you can't tell this might be your
LAST WARNING message. Guys are not exempted.
Written by Adebayo Tosin
Have you been blessed through this message, and would like to support or contribute to this ministry to
help spread God's word and win more souls for Christ. Please
kindly CONTACT US NOW. God bless you as you do so.
Thank you
Thank you
Monday, 1 October 2012
Christians 'flee Egypt town after death threats'
AFP - Several Christian families have fled their homes in
Egypt's Sinai peninsula after receiving death threats from suspected
Islamist militants, officials and residents told AFP on Friday.
Last week, flyers began circulating in the town of Rafah on the Gaza Strip border demanding that its tiny Coptic population move out, residents said.
Officials at the local church informed the authorities of the threats, but no actin was taken, they added.
Days later, a shop belonging to one of the families was fired on with automatic rifles, witnesses said.
The events prompted the families to leave Rafah but there were conflicting accounts over whether they had done so voluntarily or been evicted.
"The families have left Rafah and gone to El-Arish," one official said on condition of anonymity.
Another official denied that any Coptic families had left at all.
Representatives of the families, many of whom hold government jobs as well private businesses, sat down with the governor of North Sinai earlier this week and asked to be transfered to the nearby town of Al-Arish, the official said.
The events come amid heightened sectarian tensions in the country, particularly in the lawless Sinai peninsula where the armed forces launched an unprecedented campaign in August to root out Islamic militants.
Father Mikhail Antoine of El-Arish church told AFP "the families moved voluntarily because they feared for their lives after the threats."
He said the Coptic population of North Sinai numbered 5,000 to 6,000, adding that around seven Coptic families had been living in Rafah before the move.
Copts have been nervous since Islamists came to power following an uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak last year.
They have also been fearing the backlash from an anti-Islam film apparently produced by a Copt in the United States that sparked violent protests worldwide, and that they believe will lead to further persecution at home.
Egypt's Christians, who make up six to 10 percent of the country's population of 82 million, have regularly complained of discrimination and marginalisation. They have also been the target of numerous sectarian attacks. Culled from France24
Last week, flyers began circulating in the town of Rafah on the Gaza Strip border demanding that its tiny Coptic population move out, residents said.
Officials at the local church informed the authorities of the threats, but no actin was taken, they added.
Days later, a shop belonging to one of the families was fired on with automatic rifles, witnesses said.
The events prompted the families to leave Rafah but there were conflicting accounts over whether they had done so voluntarily or been evicted.
"The families have left Rafah and gone to El-Arish," one official said on condition of anonymity.
Another official denied that any Coptic families had left at all.
Representatives of the families, many of whom hold government jobs as well private businesses, sat down with the governor of North Sinai earlier this week and asked to be transfered to the nearby town of Al-Arish, the official said.
The events come amid heightened sectarian tensions in the country, particularly in the lawless Sinai peninsula where the armed forces launched an unprecedented campaign in August to root out Islamic militants.
Father Mikhail Antoine of El-Arish church told AFP "the families moved voluntarily because they feared for their lives after the threats."
He said the Coptic population of North Sinai numbered 5,000 to 6,000, adding that around seven Coptic families had been living in Rafah before the move.
Copts have been nervous since Islamists came to power following an uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak last year.
They have also been fearing the backlash from an anti-Islam film apparently produced by a Copt in the United States that sparked violent protests worldwide, and that they believe will lead to further persecution at home.
Egypt's Christians, who make up six to 10 percent of the country's population of 82 million, have regularly complained of discrimination and marginalisation. They have also been the target of numerous sectarian attacks. Culled from France24
Deadly Kenya grenade attack hits children in church
One child has been killed
and three seriously hurt, police say, in a grenade attack on a church's
Sunday school in the Kenya capital, Nairobi.
The attacker targeted St Polycarp's church on Juja Road.A police spokesman blamed sympathisers of Somalia's al-Shabab Islamist militant group, angry over Kenya's role in the UN-backed intervention force.
A mob later rounded on Somalis living near the church with sticks and stones in a suspected revenge attack.
Police chief Moses Nyakwama told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that 13 people had been injured in the revenge attack, in the suburb of Eastleigh.
Separately, two police officers were killed in an ambush in the town of Garissa, near the border with Somalia.
In July, 15 people were killed in raids on churches in Garissa, and there was speculation that al-Shabab or its sympathisers were responsible.
'Running for their lives' Reports suggested a number of those hurt at the church were injured in a stampede after the attack.
A police spokesman, Charles Owino,
told Reuters news agency: "We suspect this blast might have been carried
out by sympathisers of al-Shabab.
"These are the kicks of a dying horse since, of late, Kenyan police have arrested several suspects in connection with grenades."The authorities said three children were seriously hurt in the attack, and a number of others suffered lighter injuries.
The Red Cross had earlier said six children were critically wounded.
Irene Wambui, who was in the church at the time of the attack, said: "We were just worshipping God in church when suddenly we heard an explosion and people started running for their lives.
"We came to realise that the explosion had injured some kids who were taken to hospital and unfortunately one succumbed."
Senior Nairobi police officer Moses Ombati appealed for calm after youths reportedly attacked the nearby Alamin mosque.
Nairobi and the port city of Mombasa have suffered a series of grenade attacks since Kenya sent troops into Somalia last October.
The attacks in Mombasa escalated after radical Islamist preacher Aboud Rogo Mohammed was killed in a drive-by shooting in August.Culled from BBC Africa