Sunday, 7 October 2012

Words of wisdom for celebrities: Don’t be a RICH FOOL.

            This message is not meant for the celebrities alone, but it is also meant for others that do not use their wealth to serve God. The reason why I am focusing on celebrities is because of the way most of them spend millions and billions on houses, cars, mansions and estates, and can’t give account of spending a penny for God. God calls such people fools and such people don’t live long (Luke 12:16-21).

        I am not saying acquiring assets is not good, what worries me is that most of these celebrities don’t have knowledge of what would happen to all this assets when they  die and when the world eventually comes to an end(RAPTURE). Mark 13:1-3 made me to understand that all these great buildings would be destroyed and dissolved. 2peter 3:10 also made me to understand that the whole earth and all that are in it, would be burned up. So why then do you waste more money on things that would eventually be destroyed? Why not invest your money on heavenly assets and treasures (mat 6:19-20). When you use your money and substance for God automatically you are investing on heavenly assets and treasures.
    Ways in which you can use your money to serve God:  

       1.  Assisting the House of God financially: The church is known to be the house of God, and there are lots of projects going on in the church everyday and until when Christ comes these projects can never finish. Therefore learn how to use your money for projects in the house of God. There are many uncompleted churches, why not use your money to help complete the house of God, and if you are capable of building a Church why not build one for your Maker. 
    2. Taking good care of the Ministers of God (pastors, bishops, and reverend fathers ): There are many true ministers of God that are not living well, I know of ministers of God that finds it difficult to feed and educate their wards. Learn how to use your money to render assistance to them. These ministers of God are God’s representative on earth, and it is our responsibility to take care of them and their families.   

    3.  Widows, the poor and the less privilege: There are millions of people that fall into these categories. Many are dying because of hunger, many widows are suffering. Don’t let your story be like the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man ended up in hell fire just because he refused to help the poor man Lazarus (Luke 16:19-30).
             Do you know the amount of treasures and Estates that you are going to have in Heaven for doing these things? People that do such things always find mercy in the sight of God and do live long, because there is nothing you do for Him no matter how small, that doesn’t have its own reward.(Mathew 25:40)
      Warnings: if you practice all these things and you don’t have Jesus Christ in your life or you are not born-again, I m sorry for you because all your works would be in vain. If you are ready to accept Jesus Christ into your life CLICK HERE NOW
                                                             Written by Adebayo Tosin.
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