The expectations of a pastor are endless. Many members expect them to
be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. But different pastors are
wired differently. One pastor may get great fulfillment out of
counseling, while another dreads every minute of it.
So I did an
informal and unscientific survey of pastors. I asked them a simple
question: “What do you like least about being a pastor?” The question
was opened-ended and they could give more than one response.
learned two things from this survey. First, pastors can have strong
opinions about what they don’t like. Second, pastors are really
different. The responses were wide-ranged and often in opposition to
each other.
So here are the top ten things pastors don’t like
about pastoring. I’ve listed them in reverse order. I then follow each
dislike with a comment from a representative pastor.
10. Dealing with budgets and finance. “I
have a pastor friend who has a finance major. He was in business before
he went to seminary and he loves working with numbers. Not me. I get
nauseas at the thought of working on the church budget.”
9. Weddings. “Emotions
are usually high at weddings. Some people are difficult to handle. Plus
the rehearsal, ceremony, and reception take away my whole weekend. I
wish we could pass a law that no weddings can take place during college
football season.”
8. Announcements in the worship service. “This
past Sunday I was asked to announce that one of the older Sunday school
classes was having a garage sale to raise money to repair the pipe
organ. Their hearts were right, but I had to talk about a garage sale
and a pipe organ right before I preached.”
7. Persistent critics. “You
have to deal with critics if you are a pastor. I just struggle with
those who are always on me about something. They never let up. It can be
6. Anonymous critics. “I shouldn’t even
let anonymous critics bother me. If they don’t have the courage to use
their name, I have no reason to dwell on it. But, I’ve got to admit, it
really bugs me. I find myself wondering throughout the day who it might
5. Counseling. “I really envy those pastors who are
counselors. They get energized by listening to people at their points of
need and hurt. I have to admit that my mind wanders and I watch the
clock. I don’t think I really help anybody when I counsel.”
4. Treating spouses like they are paid staff members. “I
really hurt for my wife because we have one church member that expects
her to put in the same amount of hours at church as I do. My wife is
taking care of our three preschool children at home, but she feels
guilty every time the church member talks to her.”
3. Supporters who don’t support pastors publicly. “One
guy was ripping into me at our last business meeting. But he didn’t
bother me as much as my so-called supporters who remained silent the
whole time. They’ve told me that they are behind me, but they weren’t
there for me when I needed them the most.”
2. Funerals of non-Christians. “I’ve
been a pastor for nearly thirty years, and I still struggle when I’m
asked to do the funeral of someone who never professed Christ. Most of
the time my funeral message is directed at the family, and how God will
comfort them. It’s still not easy.”
1. Business meetings. “Let
me know if you come across a pastor that actually likes church business
meetings. I want to find the secret to his moments of delusion.”
What do you think of this list? What would you add?
by Thom Rainer
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