And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken Mark 13:25 (KJV) .

For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens 2 Cor 5:1 (KJV) .

Friday, 15 February 2013
How God helped Mary J. Blige to Overcome Alcoholism
Mary J. Blige recently opened up to a magazine, saying that the tragic death of Whitney Houston last year helped her face her demon of alcoholism.
In an interview with Los Angeles Confidential, Blige, who calls herself a born-again Christian, discussed her decade-long battle with alcohol addiction, explaining that she started to focus on her relationship with God instead of alcohol.
The 42-year-old entertainer admitted that her alcoholism got worse when she tried to cut back and only drink socially.
“I chose to learn how to drink socially and it didn't work,” she said. “The test comes when you have to decide whether you're drinking to be social or drinking to cover up something again. To cover up depression, to cover up guilt. Shame. Abandonment. … Once I realized, 'There you go again,' I had to stop.
“Whitney Houston's death is another reason I stopped,” she continued. “I really do think I'm done. I looked at how that woman could not perform anymore.”
The “No More Drama” singer said she chose to kick the habit by relying on God over a formal rehabilitation program.
“I didn't want to go to rehab,” she confessed. “I believe that anything man himself can do for me, God can do for me in a greater way. I decided to pray and to seek God on my own. I just stayed in the Word. And it worked.”
Blige has openly talked about her tumultuous past over the years, which included cocaine and alcohol addiction that began when she was just 16. She has said that her dependency masked incidents of her childhood, insecurities about her appearance, and emotional pain from an abusive relationship.
The actress and multi-Grammy-Award-winning musician revealed in a 2001 episode of VH1's Behind the Music that she experienced sexual molestation as a child, beginning at the age of 5.
“That thing followed me all my life. The shame of thinking my molestation was my fault. It led me to believe that I wasn't worth anything,” she said during the documentary. “I really didn't care about myself. I was borderline suicidal … I was like the walking dead; just smoking and drinking and hanging.”
The R&B songstress founded the Mary J. Blige Center for Women in Yonkers, N.Y., in 2006 to help encourage women who have been victims of domestic violence.
In the LA Confidential interview, Blige discussed her opinions on God, even when she was at her lowest.
“I loved God, but I didn't love myself,” she explained. “I believe in God so much that I would not let the enemy win my soul.
“God loves me no matter what,” she added. “He loves me high. Sober. Gay. Straight. I can't let the world tell me anything different. That's how I survived, knowing He loved me no matter what. Because if I don't believe that God loves me when I do wrong, I'm dead.”
Blige recently starred in Betty & Coretta, a film for which she was also an executive producer, alongside Angela Bassett. The Lifetime movie—featuring Blige as Betty Shabbazz, the wife of slain human rights activist Malcom X, and Bassett as Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.'s widow—kicked off the network's Black History Month celebration on Feb. 2.
The original film chronicles the friendship the two women formed and shares the story of their experiences as single mothers after the assassination of their husbands.
“Women never get a chance when they are behind powerful men,” Blige said in an interview with The View. “They never get a chance to tell their stories and what they're dealing with. I wanted people to see what Betty and Coretta had to deal with, and how everyone's not so perfect.”
Culled from Charismag
Friday, 8 February 2013
MARRIAGE: 25 Characteristics of a Husband Who Truly Loves His Wife
2. Accepts spiritual responsibility for his family.
3. Is willing to say "I'm sorry" and "Forgive me" to his family.
4. Discusses household responsibilities with his wife and makes sure they are fairly distributed.
5. Seeks consultation from his wife on all major financing decisions.
6. Follows through with commitments he has made to his wife.
7. Anticipates the different stages his children will pass through.
8. Anticipates the different stages his marriage will pass through.
9. Frequently tells his wife what he likes about her.
10. Provides financially for his family's basic living expenses.
11. Deals with distraction so he can talk with his wife and family.
12. Prays with his wife on a regular basis.
13. Initiates meaningful family traditions.
14. Initiates fun family outings for the family on a regular basis.
15. Takes the time to give his children practical instruction about life.
16. Manages the schedule of the home and anticipates pressure points.
17. Keeps his family financially sound and out of harmful debt.
18. Makes sure he and his wife have drawn up a will.
19. Lets his wife and children into the interior of his life.
20. Honors his wife in public.
21. Explains sex to each child in a way that gives them a wholesome perspective.
22. Encourages his wife to grow as an individual.
23. Takes the lead in establishing sound family values.
24. Provides time for his wife to pursue her own personal interests.
25. Is involved in a small group of men dedicated to spiritual growth.
Robert Lewis is passionate about helping men discover the biblical principles of authentic manhood. He founded and developed Men’s Fraternity in 1990, and today this significant area of ministry is reaching men worldwide in churches, on college campuses, in corporate boardrooms, and in prison cellblocks via his three one-year video curriculum: Quest for Authentic Manhood; Winning at Work and Home; and The Great Adventure. In response to great demand, Robert developed the feminine counterpart to Men’s Fraternity, The New Eve. Culled from Charismag.
Friday, 1 February 2013
7 ways to be more like Jesus when using the Internet
I have been amazed at what people who love Jesus can write about other people who love Jesus online. I am referring to comments that believers leave on blogs and Facebook postings. Not long ago, I responded kindly to someone who attacked something I wrote. I think his first word regarding my blog was “NONSENSE!”
When he saw my response, he quickly wrote back an apology saying, “I didn’t realize you would read my comment.” Of course, a blogger with respect for his readers doesn’t just write and disappear but reads responses and responds back. That is the difference between a blog and a magazine article.
We live in new world where people can respond instantly to blogs or Facebook postings—often without realizing that “reckless words pierce like a sword.” We of all people should have our words seasoned with love, even when we disagree.
I have hesitated to write this blog, because I didn’t want people to think that I am thin-skinned—that I was seeking to defend. However, when I saw what someone posted about a dear friend of mine last night, I decided it was time. Here’s the post.
“What a petty article, people to the left and right of us are dying to the left and right of us. Or living but dying inside without the Savior. You sir have a religious spirit. Christian=anointed ones in the Hebrew has the same root and meaning as messiah. Get over your self pride and go win a soul for the King.”
Amazingly, two people liked this post! Let’s forget for the moment that this hastily written message is barely coherent. The man he was rebuking is one of the most humble men I know. He has risked his life for the Gospel when his congregation in northern Israel was firebombed. He has led countless people to Yeshua, both through public preaching and grinding it out on the streets. He has birthed five congregations in Israel (more than any other leader). Yet this fellow speaks to him in the most ungodly judgmental way.
My guess is that this young man (I assume he is young) would not have spoken to my friend like that had they been in the same room. But our fingers tend to lack the tact of our tongue, and we tend be just a little bit meaner when sending emails, commenting on blogs, mocking people on Twitter or responding to a controversial post on Facebook.
Here are several tips that can help us communicate with kindness and disagree respectfully without denigrating a person or calling them names.
1. Assume the Author Is Human and Will See Your Comment. Most serious bloggers want to engage with their readers and therefore do read the comments. Don’t assume he or she is in some ivory tower somewhere, but that he or she is just like you. We sometimes respond as if the author is not real. I have sent messages on Twitter to blogger Michael Hyatt and each time he has responded, despite having 125,000 followers. I view Mr. Hyatt as a ‘real’ person, not merely someone famous.
2. Look Across the Room. Pretend that you are talking to the person and they are sitting next to you. Don’t be any bolder behind the protection of your laptop or iSomething than you would be face-to-face.
3. Double Check your Attitude. Before you click "post" to a comment in which you disagree with someone, check twice to make sure you are attacking the argument and not the person. It is one thing to say, “I disagree with you and here is why…” It is another thing to say, “I disagree with you and you are a stupid, proud, arrogant idiot… and you smell bad!”
4. Disagree with Respect. Even when you do disagree, do so with respect. Personally, I love to engage people who disagree with me. I do have about three full-time jobs, so I have to be careful not to spend my whole day debating theology on the Internet. But when someone challenges, I am game—but only if the person communicates with respect.
5. Do Unto Others…Use the Golden Rule of the Internet: Respond unto someone in the way in which you would like them to respond to you. Pretend you are the one on the receiving end of your response. How would you feel? Would you feel attacked or respected?
6. Don’t Be Impulsive. Never respond impulsively, but rationally. If you are out having dinner with your family and you feel the need to run to the bathroom so you can continue debating with someone a million miles away through your phone, you might have a problem. Sometimes in the midst of these debates we become impulsive—and obnoxious—ignoring the more important things in life, like your family or your job. And because of the pressure of being in a bathroom, typing on a phone, while your wife thinks you are relieving yourself, would tend to send a badly worded message that might reveal your obsessive state. Stay focused on your real life.
7. Don’t Make it Personal. Never respond emotionally. If someone is rude to you, don’t be rude back. When someone disagrees with me—even rudely—I will often start my response with the words, “Thanks for responding” and end my post with the words, “Blessings.”
Full disclosure: I have probably broken every one of these rules, but like you, I am a work in progress. Let’s commit ourselves, especially those of us who claim to love Jesus, to act just a little bit more like Him in our Internet discourses.
Question: What are some other ways that you think might help us communicate better? Use the comments section below.
Written by Ron Cantor